Tell me what your favorite moment in Africa was. Oh, I bet you could guess that - when I won the Sprint phone and I was gonna get to see a video of Peggy and I was sitting there on the couch with a beer and a pizza. Jeff had completely convinced me that we were gonna look at some stupid little video, which I was so glad they didn't tell me Peggy was there or I would've hurt myself trying to win the challenge. I turned around and saw my wife standing in Africa, which I had no idea she was there. It was almost like a ghost had arrived. It was one of those moments in my life that is now burned so deeply into my memory, I will never forget it. It was the highlight of Peggy's summer and mine. It was just a wonderful event.
When you look back at that final tribal council where the jury was able to speak, some pretty nasty things were said, not to you but to certainly Sugar and Susie. How did you handle that night and how do you feel about it, all this time later? I think some of it has been smoothed over. I've never been real keen on that nasty behavior. Also, the stress of being on Survivor is enormous and the interaction that you're required to do. I think Corinne said, "We're forced to live with people we hate." It was really very difficult for me because I liked most of the people on the show... no, actually I liked them all. I like some more than others but it's very difficult when you have two people that you like a lot... it's like having two children that are fighting all the time. You love your kids and it's difficult for me to deal with and there's nothing you can do about it. That was stressful, the distaste that they had for each other.
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