"It's understandable that the Catholic League is wary of another sex scandal, but the sex we're talking about pertains to dogs and cats. As a practicing Catholic, I am shocked that the Catholic League is speaking out against my PETA ads, which I am very proud of. I'm doing what the Catholic Church should be doing, working to stop senseless suffering of animals, the most defenseless of God's creation. I am a voice for innocent animals who are being neglected and dumped by the millions at shelters. In my heart I know that Jesus would never condone the suffering that results when dogs and cats are allowed to breed."The Catholic League felt and called the new PETA campaign as a SCAM and it exploits Christian symbols. [Controversial Racy PETA ad]
Joanna Krupa's statement to the Crucifix Controversy
Joanna Krupa gave a statement defending PETA and what she done for the campaign.